Thank you for your interest in the Write Your Book with Dr. Jackson-Dean Premium Program.
Hello, I am Dr. LaShonda Jackson-Dean. I have authored and published 5 books completed, 2 collaborations, and is currently penning a 5-part series and another children’s book. I look forward to assisting you in developing your Author-Preneurship that you can create a cycle to be repeated until you are satisfied! If you have ever dreamed of being a published author you have come to the right place! In this program, you will not only secure the process for improving your writing and become a published author, you will also become educated on how to use your book as a tool for you to write your own checks for your literary work.
With this premium program you will:
Become a member of an exclusive writer’s and writing community
Gain access to an 8-week program for book writing from A-Z
Access to proper book perfection
Receive the step by step process of the art of book publishing
What comes with taking your literary work to market
The science behind tooling your literary work to cash
This premium program regularly priced at $997.00 is on a special discount for Promote Her Members for $797.00. That’s a $200 discount!